Vous trouverez ci-dessous une galerie constituée d’affiches publicitaires libres de droits. Cette galerie sera progressivement complétée et enrichie.
You will find below a gallery of royalty-free advertising posters. This gallery will be progressively completed and enriched.
A handbill of 1846 advertising The Pleasure Bath, Peerless Pool, Baldwin Street, City Road, London. It was originally named Perilous Pond because of several drownings. In 1743 it was enclosed and used as a bathing place, the first public swimming pool in London. It was built over in 1850
Bingham Springs Resort, 1899
“La propreté c’est la santé! Bains à 20 c. La plus vaste piscine de Paris 8, avenue Ledru-Rollin”, affiche Louis Galice, vers 1900
Saltwater Natatorium, 1911
Logo of Deep Eddy Bathing Beach, vers 1916
“Venez Nager au Bassin Couvert, at 151 Rue de Dison, Verviers”, vers 1920
HallenbadSemmering/piscine couverte de Semmering, Autriche, vers 1932
“German advertisement for the municipal swimming bath in Erlangen”, M. Baierlacher
“Swim for health in safe and pure pools “, Poster for Cleveland Division of Health promoting swimming as healthy exercise, 1940
An old man and a young boy taking a shower next to the swimming bath at Stolberg, North Rhine-Westphalia; advertising health benefits of baths and treatments available there for young and old. Colour lithograph after H. Lahaye, entre 1940 et 1949
“Grande piscine Rochechouart… hydrothérapie à vapeur”, 1886
“Grande piscine Rochechouart, rue Rochechouart, 65”, 1885
“Bains de la piscine Montmartre”, 1890
“Bains parisiens 160, rue Oberkampf. Piscine-vapeur douches…”, 1885
[Deux cent cinquante et un] rue St Honoré. 251. Bains du Nouveau Cirque… Emile Lévy, 1886
“Ten people at a swimming pool, one of whom will be infected”, lithograph after Dorothy Darling Fellnagel, United States Public Health Service, 1940, via wellcomelibrary.org
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante : Anne-Sophie Gomez (8 mai 2020). Affiches publicitaires. La piscine en textes, en sons, et en images . Consulté le 13 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/bat4
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Représentations et imaginaire de la piscine dans les arts et la culture / "pool studies" database